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Imagine a crisp March morning in Canberra - blue skies, Kangaroos all around and Janine, with cereal bowl in her lab and coffee mug in hand, on her way to her first day of o-week at CIT. This time Janine was not going to run late! The day starts with John Frohlich, Head of Department, giving the students a tour of the CIT facilities and concludes with a recce at the Tech Store where the class meet Adam Lynch, the Technical Officer - struck by his good looks Janine remembers the first meeting like it was yesterday.
While living in Sydney, it was a spruce of good luck that Adam’s housemate was German. Offering Deutsch words to add into his text messages definitely made Adam look ‘Supergeil’. A first date was arranged at the Kingston Foreshore in Canberra. As Adam was drawing closer to his destination, he received a phone call from his father, Phillip letting him know that he left his wallet on the kitchen table - Supergeil. Too late to turn around, he met with Janine and they enjoyed a couple of burgers, a walk and a long chat. Janine was forced to pay for everything and as it turned out she only just had enough in her bank account at the time. As they said their goodbyes and Adam embarrassingly apologised again, the day culminated in the perfect ending with a kiss. Yeah, Supergeil.
As things started to get more serious, Adam would commute from Sydney to Canberra to see Janine and vice versa. On Janine’s first visit to Sydney, they went on a private photo safari along Rose Bay, Bondi and Watson’s Bay. A storm quickly rolled over providing dramatic clouds and lightning strikes for the pair to photograph. Drawing from the electricity in the air they chased the storm to South Head whereas like in a romance film, they got stuck and drenched in the downpour - in slow motion.
Coming together with Adam’s family is usually a big family affair, in retrospect it is slightly surprising we had a low key dinner with Chris, Phillip, Charlotte and Tim at the Lynch residency in MacArthur. Later on Merle’s 95th Birthday on 19th July 2015 Janine was introduced to the actual scale of Adam’s family. While we both have five siblings on either side, the amount of 1st and 2nd cousins on Adam’s side is quite a struggle to comprehend.
They cannot really remember when they moved in together, but since Janine’s 25th Birthday Outdoor Cinema (where Adam proved to be a keeper with homemade choc tops and sweet potato chips) it had been a gradual process.
To the great frustration of her parents…anyone who knows Janine, knows at some point there will always be a dog. However, Ava coming into their lives was a surprise even for her. Adam flew out for a film shoot to Africa, while Janine helped friends in Sydney with a jewelry shoot. At the time one of the friends was so keen on buying a dog that they quickly got distracted. To cut the story short, once Adam had returned from Africa a deposit was placed and a trip to Young was arranged for him to meet his new little housemate who he named Ava a little later.
Ava got her first extras role in the first film that Adam and Janine made together. Helmed by director Hassan Bajwa a script was formed which involved children, a range of farmyard animals, a bit of nudity and a birthday cake. Adam’s brother Jamie even made a cameo. The process proved that love and work can mix.