invite you to celebrate their wedding
It is our greatest wish to celebrate the special occasion with our families and friends near and far.  So to give us a chance to boogie with everyone, we are celebrating in both our home countries, Germany and Australia.
The festivities open with a traditional German Polterabend - a casual affair bringing luck to the wedding couple. 
The celebrations then continue with an intimate Berlin town hall ceremony - a gathering of close family. 
And finally, a vineyard wedding set in the picturesque Australian Sapphire Coast will send off the bride and groom into their unity as 
Mr. & Mrs. Lynch.
It would be wonderful to have you join for the Polterabend and the Wedding. We understand this is quite a large commitment so we will prost together if you can, and carry you in our hearts if you can't.
Kindly reply below by 1st November 2023​​​​​​​
Saturday the 13th July 2024
Greifswalder Straße 8, 10405 Berlin, Germany
Saturday the 2nd November 2024
Mimosa Wines, Sapphire Coast, Australia
*whilst we love the little ones, we kindly request a child-free wedding.
Formal invitation to follow.